VMFD Day to be held on Sunday October 15
By Past Chief Felix "Hap" Hughes
October 15, 2017

The VMFD will be out at Harbor Island Park on Sunday, October 15 from 10 am to 4 pm displaying its apparatus; providing fire prevention and other fun activities for kids; as well as presenting demonstrations of some techniques used in emergency situations.
There will be a LIVE Fire Extinguisher Training held throughout the day.
There will be hot dogs and refreshments available for participants.


Alison October 16, 2017 at 12:00 AM
This was an amazing event! My family had so much fun! Thank you for always doing awesome events for our community and of course for being our heroes! Mamaroneck Fire Department has super cool fire trucks, my boys love the different colors, and all of the fire fighters are super nice. We look forward to every event you guys do!